Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Lesser of Two Evils? Or Three?

My cellular phone contract is just about up.  Soon.  so, I have to make a decision regarding my carrier.  Currently I have AT&T and except for the frequent dropped calls and excessive rates, I'm pretty happy with them (this is sarcasm for those of you not familiar with it).  So, that leaves me with a few other choices.  T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint are the only companies worth considering in my opinion given their size and coverage.  However, each has it's drawbacks.  

T-Mobile doesn't have any phones that particularly "trip" my trigger, nor do their plans excite me.  Verizon has great phones, comprehensive plans and a great reputation for customer satisfaction..but their rates are sky high.  Which leaves me with Sprint... good old Sprint.  Sprint has good coverage, cheap all-inclusive plans and great phones.  But, their reputation for customer service and satisfaction is in the toilet.  People are leaving them at a phenomenal clip, but the iPhone might've had something to do with that.  Still, I could save $80/month going with them.  Although their top executives are among the most over compensated of any U.S. company, still, if they can save me money, what do I care?

Decisions, decisions... do I choose bad or worse?  

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