Well, they finally got me. After months of incessant advertising, I finally succumbed to Sprint's EVO marketing campaign. I WANT one. In fact, I've wanted one for weeks! The only issue is that there are none available for me to have and call my own. "None?" you say, "None" I say. Nary a one...zilch...nada...niente...none. I've looked online, I've checked stores and the response is always the same...none. And yet, I'm still being bombarded by Sprint's advertising juggernaut, day and night, night and day. They bait me, taunt me, tease me, and yet they will not sell to me. Why? Because they have none. now, I understand that there is something to be said for creating demand, but c'mon now. At a certain point, it goes from creating demand, to creating resentment. That's not to say that I wouldn't take an EVO right NOW if it was offered to me. But, the longer I have to wait, the more I'm considering my options, and their ads have now become the visual equivalent of the Chinese water torture for me. I feel like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld is tormenting me, "No EVO for you!"
Get on your game Sprint.
Get on your game Sprint.
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