Do you like to go naked, or do you prefer something with more coverage? No, not YOU personally, I'm talking about your cell phone! Do you like to carry your phone naked and feel it's high-tech goodness, or are you more cautious and prefer the safety of a case? Me? Well, I've done it both ways, and quite frankly, I like it naked. Don't get me wrong, I've used protection when I've had to, but there's something about feeling your phone the way the designer meant it to feel... now that's the good stuff. And what about letting people see your baby in all it's glory? Can't do that when it's all covered up, nope! And that's where I find myself now, on the horns of this dilemma... to cover or not to cover, that IS the question.
All kidding aside though, I really am trying to decide whether or not I should carry my new Nexus 6P in a case. It's a gorgeous phone, and I went for the big daddy 128gb version, so I dropped some coin buying it outright. On the one hand, I love the way it looks and feels raw, with nothing on it. One the other hand, I'm scared sh$%tless that I'm going to drop it and hurt my investment. Ordinarily, that fear is always somewhere in the back of your mind, but in the case of the 6P, it's a very real possibility. Why? Well, the same thing that makes it so slim and lightweight, also makes it slippery as heck. I'm talking about it's beautiful, slim aluminum back, which, combined with that Gorilla Glass screen, leaves very little grippy material. Fortunately though, the very shape of the phone makes it fit well in the hand, but it's those precious few seconds when you're taking it out of a pocket, that's when tragedy is most likely to strike. So, we have to take insurance.
I hate insurance. No matter what kind, home, auto, boat, health...hate, hate, hate, and hate. And yet, I bought insurance for my 6P. Well not insurance, but Google Protection. I mean, sure, they don't call it insurance, but c'mon, we know better. So with that, I should be covered right? And yet, I'm still fiddling around with cases. I've been trying a clear MoKo Hybrid case, which fits well and still allows me to see the phone, but I can't feel that aluminum finish anymore. Every time I take it out of the case, I'm reminded of how much I love it. So, I ordered bumpers instead. Yeah, bumpers, literally a rubber gasket that just covers the edges of the phone. Risky? Perhaps. But, I'm playing the odds here. I figure best case scenario, I drop the phone and it lands on an edge. Worst case, I drop the phone and it lands on the screen. But you know what? If it shatters, it shatters. Afterall, I have insurance....I mean protection, um, you know what I mean.
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