Thursday, July 17, 2008

Learning to Walk All Over Again...

Well, after staying home ALL day yesterday waiting for the UPS man to bring me my new MacBook Pro, he finally showed up at 6:30 PM.  What a waste of a day.  BUT, on the bright side, I did get my new Mac, my first Mac for that matter.  Here's what I noticed right away...
  • REALLY slick looking machine in a nice understated way.  It's not all whored up like a lot of PC laptops I saw while shopping.  Simple, beautiful aluminum case.
  • Lightweight.   It really is a laptop.
  • Quiet.  You don't even know it's on, because there's no fan noise.
  • Fast.  It boots up really quickly and opens programs in seconds.
  • Maybe the best keyboard ever.
  • Intuitive, if you're not already a slave to Windows.
I was going to do a list of pros & cons, but so far I haven't found anything not to like about this laptop.  Except, maybe the learning curve.  I'm not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination, but with a PC you have to learn your way around the machine's back alleys as a matter of necessity.  With the Mac, I almost get the feeling the machine is telling me, "yeah, don't worry why this happening, it just is", which is both comforting and disconcerting all at once.  I'm not used to trusting my computer to do exactly what I want without some prodding on my part.  So, for now, I just go with it.

1 comment:

Editor said...

You're going to love this thing. Some suggestions, get fan control it allows you to tweak your fan settings, also download adium for people with msn chatting needs, you can use open office until you get your office suite and get handbrake (you'll see why). All of these are free. Also really explore then widgets there have a ton for jsut about anyones interests.