Monday, July 14, 2008

So Many Gadgets, So Little Time...

Folks, this is a magical time to be alive! Every day some new digital toy is coming on the market, ready for us to cell phones, computers, gaming consoles...isn't it great having some shiny new toy to lust after every few months? Even if it's just an updated version of your last shiny toy...which you paid double for...and bought just six months ago.

If you're like me (what marketing types call an early adopter), then you HAVE to have the latest digital toys as soon as they come out. If you're also like me (what financial types call poor), then you HAVE to window shop while you save up for the aforementioned latest digital toys. But, in doing so, I usually manage to wait out the beta's, the bugs and the fixes that plague most new products. Still, you have to admire the moxie of all of those folks who waited in line for days to get the new iPhone 3G. Sure, they could've waited till this week and walked right into the store and bought one, but those two days when THEY had one and YOU didn't was priceless! Don't get me wrong, I love the little electrotoys as much as the next geek, but sheesh, I like my sleep a little bit more.

1 comment:

Editor said...

Great blog,looking forward to more posts.