Palm has released their newest smart phone, the Treo Pro... very quietly. The phone itself (in my opinion) kicks ass. Having owned a Treo 650 (which I still break out every now and then), I can testify to Palm's productivity and reliability. Which is why I was SO excited when I saw this little beauty, which bears a slight resemblance to that phone from Apple.
Here's the problem ( and you just KNEW there had to be one), the phone is only available unlocked with no carrier support to subsidize the whopping $500+ price tag. YIKES! So, with the iphone costing less than $200 and the Samsung Instinct costing just over $100, what's a boy to do?!? Pray for a miracle friends. Although, rumor has it that an even newer, better smart phone from Palm is right around the corner anyway, with the Treo Pro being a stop gap more or less. After all, two years ago palm was the dominant smartphone company in the USA, but with Apple, RIM and HTC grabbing more and more market share, well, they had to do something to stop the bleeding till their future phone hits the shelves... and I hope they do, I really do.
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